Century House, Roman Road, Blackburn, BB1 2LD
View your tariff rate details
button lets you view the rate you are currently being charged at, (peak/off
peak), as well as the next tariff rate. The rate you are currently being charged will be
highlighted. If your tariff includes a standing charge, this will be taken from your meter
account at the beginning of each day.
In the example Tariff screen above, ‘- Eco 5 -’ is the tariff name that is currently active.
This shows the first 10 kWh of heat consumption is charged at £0.05. After the first 10 kWh
have been used, the price increases to £0.10 until the next tariff rate becomes active,
which may also have a different price.
The tariff data display moves upwards as you consume more energy over time. You
can use the arrow buttons to see your past and future tariff prices.
If you have an electricity supply, press the
Energy Type selection button (7)
to see
information relating to your electricity tariff details.
Press the
button to return to the Main Menu.