VITA Easyshade
Advance 4.0
Modes of operation
To receive extended color information, highlight and select one of
the displayed shade results.
Please note:
The measurement data of the VITA Easyshade Advance 4.0
are dependent on the measurement mode, and only valid for natural teeth.
The measurements of shade samples is possible only in the training mode.
Measurements made on dental restorations should always be carried out
in the restoration mode.
4.5 Measuring on ceramic restorations
VITA Easyshade Advance 4.0 enables dental professionals to verify
that a ceramic restoration's shade is an acceptable match to a prescribed
shade (fig. 33). Here both the 29 shades, the 52 mixed shades of both the
VITA SYSTEM 3D-MASTER and the 16 VITA classical A1–D4 shades
can be verified.
Moreover, you can also define your own shade standard (User standard,
section 4.4.2) and compare the ceramic restoraton with this. It is also possible
to determine the approximate shade value of the restoration.