VITA Easyshade
Advance 4.0
Modes of operation
To determine the correct block shade, a distinction is made between
4 initial situations. Generally, measurements should not be carried out
on prepared teeth (stumps) since they are too small and normally
also darker than the unprepared teeth.
1. Vital, non-discolored
Easyshade is used to determine the base shade on the unprepared tooth and
the restoration can be prepared without any additional characterization.
2. Vital, discolored
Easyshade is used to determine the base shade on the unprepared tooth;
the shade of the restoration, however, must be characterized before being
seated (Akzent, Shading Paste).
3. Devitalized, non-discolored
Easyshade is used to determine the base shade on the unprepared tooth and
the restoration can be prepared without any additional characterization.
4. Devitalized, discolored
The tooth should not be measured with Easyshade. An adjacent tooth
with the same shade should be selected to determine the block shade.
A devitalized tooth should be bleached internally prior to treatment
(attempt to reproduce the shade of a non-discolored, devitalized tooth).
The prepared tooth should be characterized as described under 2.
4.2.3 Display of the bleached shade
To display the bleached shade, please select the sun icon in the lower part of
the display.
When selecting this display mode, the bleached index is shown for the
measured shade according to the VITA Bleached Guide (Art. no. B361).
The Bleached Index enables the simple verification of tooth bleaching proce-
dures. To this purpose, the Bleached Index measured after treatment should be
subtracted from the Bleached Index before treatment. The difference corres-
ponds to the number of SGUs (Shade Guide Units) of change achieved by the
treatment according to the American Dental Association recommendation.