UltraReceiver User Manual
Safety and Compliance
Issue No: 3
Page: 4
Copyright © 2018 Vislink plc
Vislink base the RF Radiation Power Density limit figure recommended in the following
published guideline levels:
IEEE standard C95.1 1999 - IEEE Standard for Safety Levels with respect to
Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz.
Guidelines for Limiting Exposure to Time-varying Electric, Magnetic &
Electromagnetic Fields (up to 300 GHz) published in 1998 by the Secretariat of
the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP).
Both documents define guideline RF power density limits for "Controlled" and
"Uncontrolled" environments. An uncontrolled environment is defined as one in which the
person subjected to the RF radiation may be unaware of and has no control over the
radiation energy received. The uncontrolled environment conditions can arise, even in the
best-regulated operations and for this reason, the limits defined for the uncontrolled
environment are assumed for the Vislink recommended limit.
Documents a) and b) also show the RF power density guidelines to be frequency
dependent. Different power density / frequency characteristics are presented in the two
documents. To avoid complexity and to avoid areas of uncertainty, Vislink recommends
the use of a single power density limit across the frequency range 100 kHz to 300 GHz. The
1w/m² power density limit we recommend satisfies the most stringent of the guidelines
published to date.
NOTE: The IICNIRP document is freely available for download from the internet at
www.icnirp.de/emfgdl (PDF file) the IEEE standard is available on loan from Essex County
Library on payment of a search fee.