eleGAnT Console opeRATIon
note: there is a thin protective sheet of clear plastic on the overlay of the console that should
be removed before use.
A) lCD DIsplAY: see next page for more information.
B) DIsplAY KeYs: this console functions like an atm machine with function keys next
to icons on the display for making selections. to select a function or modify display
data, simply press the key next to the icon you wish to choose.
C) sTART: press to begin exercising, start your workout, or resume exercising after pause.
D) sTop: press to pause your workout. Press stoP again to end workout.
e) InClIne
KeYs: used to adjust incline in small increments (0.5% increments).
F) speeD
KeYs: used to adjust speed in small increments (0.1 mPH
G) InClIne ToGGles (T40 & TF40 onlY): used to adjust incline in small increments
(0.5% increments).
H) speeD ToGGles (T40 & TF40 onlY): used to adjust speed in small increments
(0.1 mPH increments).
I) QUICK ADJUsT KeYpAD: used to reach desired speed or incline more quickly.
J) seT InClIne KeY: used to change incline to level entered into keypad.
K) seT speeD KeY: used to change speed to level entered into keypad.
l) enTeR / CHAnGe DIsplAY KeY: press to confirm programming selections during
workout setup. Press to change main display, choose from 1 of 5 Virtual active images
or program profile.
M) BACK: press to go back to the previous step during program setup.
n) UsB poRT ACCess poCKeT: usB for software updates or charging devices. *
o) ReADInG RACK: holds reading material.
p) MeDIA plAYeR HolDeR: holds your media player or tablet.
Q) sAFeTY KeY posITIon: enables treadmill when safety key is inserted.
R) eneRGY sAVeR lIGHT: indicates if machine is in energy saver mode. Press any key
to wake up the machine.
s) woRKoUT DATA: use the or keys to change the workout data displayed.
Quickly access any speed or
incline level by typing the number
and pressing sPeed ( ) or
incline (
). examples:
• to change the speed to 6.5
mPH, press 6–5–sPeed ( ).
• to change the incline to 10%,
press 1–0–0–incline (
(note: if there is no decimal
point, you still must enter 0).
* Will not charge usB devices
which require more than 1 amp.