VIRTUAl ACTIVe is a high definition experience that uses real destination footage from stunning destinations
around the world. the ultimate in workout entertainment, Virtual active lets you escape the confines of a regular
workout routine while enjoying a dynamic experience.
1) select ViRtual actiVe and then select one of the destinations.
2) use slideR aRRoWs to adjust workout settings.
3) Press staRt to begin workout.
• during the workout, the incline will adjust to reflect the terrain of the destination.
• the incline intensity is based on the level you selected.
• speed remains constant unless you adjust it.
the console includes two destinations. additional destinations can be purchased online at
once you've purchased destinations from the website, you must download the destination media files to your computer, uncompress them and
copy them to a usB flash drive (sold separately). With the destination media properly saved on your usB flash drive, you can use your new
destinations with the treadmill. simply insert the usB flash drive into the usB port on the console and the new destinations will be available to
use in the ViRtual actiVe program.
notes: destinations files do not transfer to the treadmill console. they must remain on your usB flash drive while inserted into the console in
order to use with the ViRtual actiVe program. Because they are Hd-quality video, the destination files can be over 2 gB in size. Broadband
internet connection is required to purchase and download new files. see website for more information.
touch the center of the screen to expand the video to full screen and touch again to minimize.