Getting Started VC Smart Cameras
Compiling other source files
To create a new source file:
right-click on the project, and choose New
Source File. Name it and confirm. The new
source file appears in the project tree.
To compile another existing source file:
in CCS4, right-click on the source file (in the first example hello.c) and choose “Delete”
then right-click on the project, choose “Add Files to Project…” and select your new source file.
CCS4 will copy it automatically to your project folder.
Creating new projects
To create new projects without losing the compiling options for VC cameras, simply copy the original
right-click on the project and choose “Copy”
right-click on the blank space in the left column and choose “Paste”
in the dialog box, give your new project a name, and confirm with OK
the new project is created and is available in the “C/C++ Projects” column.
1996-2011 Vision Components GmbH Ettlingen, Germany