D e - f r o s t i n g
The digital input DI 01-21 permits reduction of the unit airflow rate during the defrosting phase of the DX
coil group. This reduced flow is the Low Speed flow, decreased by a configurable offset value with the
ETD, which value is set by default to 100 m³/h.
Air control
Time settings
Flow control SAF
Actual: XXX m3/h
Setp: XXX m3/h ->
Outdoor comp setp
-20 °C = -100 m3/h
10 °C = 0 m3/h
Act comp O = -32 ->
Example: LS setpoints at 4,800 m³/h, HS at 6,000 m³/h, offset value set to 3,900 m³/h. During the group
defrosting, the flow rate will decrease to 4,800 - 3 900 = 900 m³/h regardless of the speed selected.
8 . 7 . 2
Configuration of 48 and 88 EIX
The KSDR EIX 48 and 88 incorporate a self-controlled electrical pre-heater before the DX coil. This
pre-heater ensures a correct heating mode of the DX coil when it operates in condensation. The preheat
ing setpoint must always be less than the temperature setpoint of the unit for optimal operation.
In free-cooling, the preheating setpoint must be lower than the outside temperature.
The preheat temperature setpoint is be adjusted according to the DX group specifications, and is adjust
able by the controller included in the control cabinet, independent of the main control of the unit. The set
point is adjustable from 0° to 30 °C and is preset to 13°C.
A function of automatic adjustment, "Automatic calibration", in the commissioning is mandatory to obtain
the correct operation of the pre-heater once the unit is started.
D i s p l a y a n d k e y f u n c t i o n s
Screen 1: displays the measured temperature.
Screen 2: displays the temperature setpoint.
Diode C1 lights up when the control signal is active.
Diode A1 or A2 lights up when the corresponding alarm is active.
MAN diode lights up when the manual function is active.
TUN diode lights up when the function "Automatic Calibration" is active.
REM diode lights up during a USB serial port communication.
- Arrow to increase/decrease the setpoint value.
- Permits the change of settings during the configuration stage.
Se t
at the same time to modify the settings.
- Pressing after
Se t
increases the alarm setpoint.
The display button of the alarm setpoint allows activation of the self-regulating function and modification of the
configuration settings.