Fig. 3: SC-Contur
Viega press connectors are equipped with the SC-Contur. The SC-
Contur is a safety technology that is certified by the DVGW and ensures
that the connector is guaranteed to be leaky in an unpressed state. In
this way, inadvertently unpressed connections are noticed immediately
during a leakage test.
Viega guarantees that unpressed connections are visible during a
leakage test:
with dry leakage test in the pressure range from 22 hPa–0.3 MPa
(22 mbar–3.0 bar)
Sealing elements
The press connectors are factory-fitted with yellow HNBR sealing ele-
Substitution of sealing elements
The exchange of sealing elements is not permitted.
Product information
Profipress G XL
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