V-Tap ISDN BRI Manual EN v2.6 Dec 2018 © 2017-2018 Vidicode 36
Remote control with UDP commands
The V-Tap ISDN BRI can send information and receive commands over the
network, using UDP packets.
The UDP packets are only activated when this is enabled in the V-Tap.
To enable UDP packets do the following:
- On the PC edit a text file, called VMON.TXT
- On the first line of VMON.TXT enter the IP address of the system that receives UDP packets.
- Optionally, the second and third lines can hold the UDP port numbers (destination and source).
- The file VMON.TXT must be placed in the root of an SD card.
- The SD card must be inserted into the V-Tap; VMON.TXT is deleted and the V-Tap reboots.
- UDP is now automatically enabled and call information is sent to the defined IP address.
The file VMON.TXT can also be put onto the V-Tap using an FTP connection.
UDP Port numbers
When no other ports are defined in the file VMON.TXT, the port number 1001 is
used as the destination and the source port. This means that the server software
must listen and send commands on UDP port 1001.
UDP information packets, send by the V-Tap
The V-Tap sends an information packet at the start and at the end of each call.
An information packet contains one text string. The format is already used in the
Vidicode RTR Call Monitor software for the PC and looks as follows:
Start of a call string = "Z-file..."
End of a call string = "HANGUP:Z-file..."
The "Z-file...
represents a file name of 68 characters long (fixed length),
containing all call information.
The Vidicode Call Recorder VoIP software for the PC also uses this name format.
The extension .WAV is added by the software before the file is stored.
The same file name can also be found inside the file, in the note-field of the WAV
header and contains the following information per character:
Char.1 = "Z" = Archived recording.
Char.2 = "C" = The recording is a recorded Call.
Char.3 = year = "0"-"9" = 2000-2009 or "A"-"Z" = 2010-2035
Char.4 = month = "1"-"9" = 1-9 (jan-sep) or "A"-"C" = 10-12 (oct-dec)
Char.5 = day = "1"-"9" = 1-9 or "A"-"V" = 10-31
Char.6 = hour = "0"-"9" = 0-9 or "A"-"N" = 10-23
Char.7 = min.H = "0"-"5" = 0-5
Char.8 = min.L = "0"-"9" = 0-9
Char.9 = secs = "0"-"9" = 0-18 (x2) or "A"-"T" = 20-58 (x2)