V-Tap ISDN BRI Manual EN v2.6 Dec 2018 © 2017-2018 Vidicode 35
Number-list (Black- or White-list)
The V-Tap ISDN can record the calls depending on the local telephone
number. A text file containing a list of numbers must exist in the V-Tap:
: A black-list is used.
: A white-list is used.
Only one of these two files can be active at the same time. When both
exist, then BLACK.TXT is taken.
When using a black-list:
If the number is found in the black-list, the call is not recorded. All other
numbers/calls are recorded.
When using a white-list:
If the number is found in the white-list, the call is recorded. All other
numbers/calls are not recorded.
Putting the number-list onto the system:
With an SD card:
Put the file BLACK.TXT or WHITE.TXT in the root of an SD card.
Insert the SD card into the V-Tap. The system will automatically copy
the file to its internal memory and delete the file from the card.
Then the system reboots and the new list is active.
With FTP:
Connect to the V-Tap with FTP and upload BLACK.TXT or WHITE.TXT.
Rules for the number-list:
The black- or white-list can hold maximal 25 numbers.
All numbers must be put on a separate line.
Empty lines are not allowed in the list. They mark the end of the list.
The numbers in the list must have the same format as on the ISDN
line, but without
preceding zero’s (079
3471001 becomes 793471001).
It is also possible to enter the last (right-most) digits only of each
number. But then, all entries must have the same length!
The wildcard
character “
can be used to denote a range (79347*).