Relay on during normal operation. The relay will switch off once there is a low battery
warning. It will remain off in case the inverter shuts down due to low voltage, and will
only switch back on again once the inverter is operational and the battery voltage is
above the pre-alarm reset level. Use this option for load shedding, or to automatically
start a generator. Note that this can only be considered a poor-mans generator
start/stop. For more and better options, see here.
External fan (“fan” in VictronConnect app)
Relay is off, unless the fan inside the inverter is running. Use this option to switch an
external fan, for situations when the inverter is in a small enclosed space.
Disabled relay (“off” in VictronConnect app)
This option sets the relay in the OPEN position. Use this option if you do not plan to use
the relay function.