Default setting
Step size
Charge efficiency factor
50 - 100%
7.2.8. Current threshold
When the current measured falls below the “Current threshold” parameter it will be considered zero. The “Current threshold” is
used to cancel out very small currents that can negatively affect the long-term state of charge readout in noisy environments. For
example, if the actual long-term current is 0.0A and, due to injected noise or small offsets, the battery monitor measures 0.05A
the battery monitor might, in the long term, incorrectly indicate that the battery is empty or will need to be recharged. When the
current threshold in this example is set to 0.1A, the battery monitor calculates with 0.0A so that errors are eliminated.
A value of 0.0A disables this function.
Step size
Current threshold
0.00 - 2.00A
7.2.9. Time-to-go averaging period
The time-to-go averaging period specifies the time window (in minutes) that the moving averaging filter works. A value of 0
(zero) disables the filter and gives an instantaneous (real-time) readout. However, the displayed “Time remaining” value may
fluctuate heavily. Selecting the longest time, 12 minutes, will ensure that only long-term load fluctuations are included in the “Time
remaining” calculations.
Step size
Time-to-go averaging period
3 minutes
0 - 12 minutes
1 minute
7.2.10. Battery starts synchronised
The battery state of charge will become 100% after the battery monitor is powered up. When set to ON, the battery monitor
will consider itself synchronised when powered up, resulting in a state of charge of 100%. If set to OFF, the battery monitor will
consider it unsynchronised when powered up, resulting in a state of charge that is unknown until the first actual synchronisation.
Please be aware that situations can occur where special consideration is needed when setting this feature to ON. One of these
situations occurs in systems where the battery is often disconnected from the battery monitor, for example on a boat. If you
leave the boat and disconnect the DC system via the main DC breaker and at that moment the batteries were, for example, 75%
charged. On return to the boat, the DC system is reconnected and the battery monitor will now indicate 100%. This will give a
false impression that the batteries are full, while in reality they are partially discharged.
There are two ways of solving this, one is to not disconnect the battery monitor when the batteries are partially discharged or
alternatively turn the “Battery starts synchronised” feature off. Now when the battery monitor is reconnected the state of charge
will display “---” and will not show 100% until the batteries have been fully charged. Please note that leaving a lead acid battery in
a partially discharged state for a length of time will cause battery damage.
Start synchronized
7.2.11. State of charge
With this setting, you can manually set the state of charge value. This setting is only active after the battery monitor has, at least
once, been synchronised. Either automatically or manually.
This setting is only available when accessing the battery monitor via the VictronConnect app.
Step size
State of charge
-- %
0.0 - 100%
7.2.12. Synchronise SoC to 100%
This option can be used to manually synchronise the battery monitor.
In the VictronConnect app press the ”Synchronise” button to synchronise the battery monitor to 100%.
See the
paragraph for more information on this setting.
Manual - SmartShunt IP65
Page 23
All features and settings