Cleaning and Storage
Washing the Motorcycle
There are two totally different styles of motorcycle washing and there is a Pure VICTORY
Polish product for each style.
Standard “Bucket Wash”
This is the conventional way to wash your motorcycle. We recommend the use of Pure VIC-
TORY Bike Wash Concentrate, a concentrated gentle product formulated to clean without
diminishing the life of any durable polish. This product does not contain alkalis, acids or
abrasives and is formulated to perform as a wetting agent to soften bugs, road grime and soil,
and to prevent abrasion from your wash mitt or cloth. This product also decreases drying
time without spotting or streaking.
1. Add 1 ounce (about 2 capfuls) to 1 gallon of water.
2. Apply to a cool motorcycle with a wool or microfiber wash mitt.
For best results, work one side of the motorcycle at a time, working from top to bottom.
3. Rinse thoroughly with an open hose, no pressure needed. Create a sheeting action to
eliminate spotting.
4. Use a Pure VICTORY Microfiber Chamois or Plush Microfiber Towel to dry virtually
Spray-Rinse-and-Ride Wash
This is the new way to clean your VICTORY quickly and easily, then resume riding. Pure
VICTORY Spray Rinse and Ride bike wash is safe and will not harm any surface that water
won’t harm.
If you clean your bike frequently, you may mix this product 50/50 with water. Spray the
product on surfaces cool to the touch. DO NOT spray on a hot motorcycle. When applied,
this product softens dirt, soil, bugs and road grime.
1. Spray windshields, body panels, saddle bags, trunks, engines, tires, wheels, pipes and
chrome. Consistent and complete coverage of the motorcycle is important for best
Use a cloth or wash mitt on stubborn areas.
2. DO NOT allow the product to dry on your motorcycle. Blast rinse with a garden hose
equipped with a pressure nozzle. Be sure to rinse thoroughly, then use a gentle rinse to
create sheeting action of the water to lessen the possibility of spotting. Use a Pure VIC-
TORY Microfiber Chamois or Plush Microfiber Towel to dry virtually spot-free.