Quick Guide
Creating Archives
The ViconNet system enables you to create archives, which contain
selected recorded data from a video database. This consists of selecting
the specific devices, the specific recorded data, and the destination
location for where you want to save the data. You can then view it at a
later time.
After creating an archive, you can perform all playback functions on the
archived data in the same way that you can with regular recorded data,
as described beginning from the
Selecting Recorded Video/Audio
To create an archive:
From the
list, select the camera(s) and/or microphone(s) that
contain the recorded data that you want to archive.
1. In the
Recorded Device Contents
area, mark the recorded
segments that you want to archive by holding down the left
mouse button and dragging the mouse pointer over the required
2. The selection area is indicated with a lime green shading, and the
size of the selected contents is displayed at the top of the Archive
area in the Estimated archive size field (in MB).
3. Click . The selection area is indicated with a lime
green shading, and the size of the selected contents is displayed
at the top of the
area in the
Estimated archive size
(in MB).The
Navigator List
is replaced by an
area, which
automatically displays the archive date and time at the bottom.