Quick Guide
Step 2: Selecting the Playback Time Interval
The playback time interval is the range of time for the recorded video and
audio segment you want to view and play back.
You can select a specific time period, defined by its start and end time, for
the recorded segment(s) by:
Using one of the time interval tabs, which enable you to select a
range of time;
Using the time interval controls, which enable you to specify an
exact date and time.
If required, repeat the time interval selection with a shorter time interval to
zoom in further on the selected recorded segment.
For detailed instructions on how to select the playback time interval, refer
to the full
Software Manual
Step 3: Selecting the Playback Start Time
The ViconNet system provides an option to select the playback start time
by either zooming in on a specific recorded segment or by selecting the
exact playback point in the recorded segment, including hour, minute, and
second, if required.
This option enables you to play back only the required portion of the
recorded segment instead of having to play the entire segment.
To select the playback start time:
1. (Optional) Zoom in on a specific recorded segment, as follows:
In the
Recorded Device Contents
area, position the mouse pointer
to the left or right of the recorded segment of which you want to
zoom in.
Mark the recorded segment by holding down the left mouse button
and dragging the mouse pointer over the recorded segment until
the blue shading covers the entire recorded segment, as follows:
Time Interval Controls – Start Time and End Time