The delivery extent of the control includes the following items:
1. Cover cap
2. Control
3. Supporting frame for control
4. Adjustment tool
5. JUNG Cover frame, 1-fold, “CD 500”
In case of power failure, the entire display starts flashing. Yet, the
previously programmed times remain saved for several years.
The times or functions, you have previously programmed, can be
checked by performing a quick run (i. e. g. test of the sun protection).
Press the time and day button simul ta ne ously for 3 seconds to activ ate
the quick run. The time function will now run 60 times faster. Shortly
tap the time and day button simul ta ne ously to stop the quick run.
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General Introduction
The control features a selector switch with which manual mode (H) or
automatic mode (A) can be selected.
Push the selector switch to (H), all the way to right until you hear the
“click”, in order to activate the manual mode.
All automatic functions are now disabled. Pressing the up or down
button will move the roller shutters up or down.
Simply press the opposite button to stop the motion, i.e.:
press the down button, if the roller shutter is moving up,
press the up button, if the roller shutter is moving down.
Accurate positioning of the roller shutter is guaranteed because the
roller shutter will only move up or down again after the up or down
button has been pressed.
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Manual mode