NMEA 2000 Gateway
The M1 incorporates an NMEA Gateway to allow different brands
and generations of electronics on NMEA 0183 or 2000 networks
to talk to each other automatically and transfer data without extra
multiplexing devices or configuring.
The Gateway translates selected NMEA 2000 sensor data for
compatibility with mobile apps. Monitor navigation data on your
Cortex Onboard App on your phone or tablet or use it with third
party apps of your choice.
Data is made available to NMEA 0183 and 2000 plotters. The
Gateway supports a range of wind, depth, speed, heading,
temperature, barometric pressure and autopilot PGNs.
See PGNs sent and received by the gateway (pg26).
Example Case #1:
Sailing and navigation apps cannot talk directly to an NMEA 2000
network as the apps use the 0183 protocol. We need to translate
data from NMEA 2000 to 0183.
Gateway: The M1 receives NMEA 2000 PGNs and automatically
converts these to 0183 sentences and sends to devices running
the sailing and navigation apps via WiFi.
Example Case #2:
A vessel has an older chart plotter (NMEA 0183 only) with new
NMEA 2000 sailing instruments.
Gateway: The M1 receives the new instrument data from the
vessel’s NMEA 2000 network and automatically converts the data
to 0183 sentences for the chart plotter. The chart plotter 0183
wires are connected to the 0183 wires on the M1's input/output
NMEA 2000
WiFi data
NMEA 0183
Chart plotter
NMEA 2000 Gateway example