NetSure -48V DC Bulk Output Power System Installation and User Instructions (UM582127100)
Rev. E
Changing Battery Capacity Rating in the NCU
Change the battery capacity setting of the NCU to match the battery connected to the power system.
Local Menu Navigation:
Main Menu / Settings Icon / Batt Settings / Batt1 Settings or Batt2 Settings / Rated Capacity.
Web Menu Navigation:
Settings Menu / Battery Tab / Batt1 Rated Capacity and Batt2 Rated Capacity.
Refer to the NCU Instructions (UM1M830BNA) for detailed instructions.
Configuring the NCU Identification of Rectifiers and
Assigning which Input Feed is Connected to the Rectifiers
When rectifiers are all installed prior to applying power and starting the system, the order in which the NCU
identifies the rectifiers is by serial number (lowest serial number is Rect 1, next lowest is Rect 2, etc.). If you
prefer the NCU to identify the rectifiers by position in the system, perform the following procedure.
Upon power up, the NCU arbitrarily assigns Feed AC1, AC2, or AC3 to each rectifier. This assignment is used to
display rectifier AC input feed voltage(s). The User may reassign the feed to each rectifier per your specific
installation by following the procedure below.
Local Menu Navigation:
Web Menu Navigation:
Refer to the NCU Instructions (UM1M830BNA) for detailed instructions.
NCU Alarm Relay Check
To verify operation of the external alarm relays, use the NCU alarm relay test feature. Refer to the NCU
Instructions (UM1M830BNA) for instructions in using this feature.
The relays may be preprogrammed for specific functions. Refer to the configuration drawing (C-
drawing) supplied with your system for your system’s specific configuration.