Form: Man10G107 Rev. –C-
9. The next thing you want to do is turn off the machine and unplug the ‘Power Supply’ from the
Operator Panel. If you have not done so already, attach your propane fuel tanks to the nozzles
making sure before hand that the nozzles are shut completely off.
10. Wait a few minutes to ensure that any fumes have dissipated from attaching your tanks.
After doing so, reattach your Power Supply to the Operator Panel and turn on the machine.
11. The next thing you want to do is preset your Timer. If you intend on annealing very small
cartridge cases such as .22 Hornets, place your Timer on 1½ seconds. Other cartridges such
as .223, .308 or magnum sized cases you can preset to 3 - 3½ seconds.
12. Next you want to actuate the switch on the Operator Panel to the ‘AUTO’ position. When
your machine begins cycling light your torches and adjust them to a point where the flame gets
no bigger while opening the valve. At this point, you want to decrease the fuel supply knobs
until the flame just starts to get smaller. This way, you know what your setting is for repeating
on other cases and distances.
Our testing has shown that we want to anneal standard.223 & .308 cartridge cases in about 4-
4½ seconds and 4½ -5 seconds on magnums and short magnums. This should work well for a
guide line, however you will want to use the sample cases with the Tempilaq® to fine tune your
time. Please note that you want to adjust your torch distance from the case to stay in the time
ranges mentioned above.
Caution: When annealing small cases such as the Hornet you want to pay particular
attention to the temperature very closely. The walls of these cases are very thin and the
case heads will get too soft very quickly!
13. Now we’re ready to start annealing cases. Place one setup cartridge case about 3-4
stations from the spindle station. When the cartridge gets to the ‘Spindle’ station and begins to
rotate, watch the Tempilaq® stripes you made on the setup case. If the stripe closest to the
case mouth (650F) does not turn clear before the machine indexes, turn up your ‘Timer’ by
about ¼ second and repeat this step. (You can re-load the same sample cases until the proper
setup is achieved).
Each time a case leaves the spindle station, note whether or how far the stripe has turned clear
from heating. Trust the Tempilaq® and do not over heat your cases. The stripe should turn
clear just below the shoulder area as the cartridge case indexes out of the flame. The mouth
and neck of the cartridge case will be a little hotter than the body where the Tempilaq® turned
clear because there is no material for the heat to transfer to. Pay close attention and make sure
that the necks of your cases are not turning to a very dull red or orange color. If so, reduce your
time and discard those cases.
After you’re satisfied that the cases are indexing just as the Tempilaq® turns clear, note what
your ‘Timer’ setting is. It should be 4-5 seconds on standard cases as we mentioned. Also note
the Tempilaq® stripe you placed on the lower half of the cartridge case (350
should not change within 1” or so of the case head! This distance may vary a
bit depending on the cartridge case type you’re annealing, however, you do not want the
case head any where near 400
! If you’re unsure, practice or adjust your torch setup for
less time in the flame and discard any cartridge cases that may have over heated!