VC31LDVI/VC31CDVI Gas Fireplace Insert
AIR shutteR ADjustmeNt (NAtuRAl GAs ONly)
ADjust the AIR shutteR (FRONt
The venturi of the front burner is equipped with an air
shutter. The opening of the venturi has been set at 1/4" for
Natural Gas and fully open for Propane installation at sea
level. The burner on Natural Gas models may be adjusted
for high altitude as follows:
1. Remove top and bottom brackets holding brick sides in
place by removing the screws. Carefully remove side
and rear brick panels.
2. Remove log support bracket by removing two (2) screws
in rear and one (1) screw on each side wall.
air shutter part open
Air Shutter
Figure 30 -
Push Adjustment Lip Up to
Open Air Shutter
air shutter fully open
Air Shutter
Figure 31 -
Pull Adjustment Lip to Close Air Shutter
3. Remove four (4) screws holding burner in place and
slide burner to the left and up and out of unit, allowing
access to venturi air shutter.
4. Adjust air shutter:
To increase air mixture, open the shutter more. This
will reduce soot formation.
Figure 30
To decrease air mixture, close the shutter. Flames
will be more yellow.
Figure 31
5. After adjusting air shutter, replace in reverse order.