Sports Operation Manual
- Cannot reach maximum mA level; or
- The unit cuts off stimulation at certain level; or
- When increase the intensity, zero mA is flashing; or
- Power is cutting off when using
It is normal behaviour in our and any other quality muscle stimulators (and
TENS machines), and in most cases resolves itself - please read the guidance
The stimulation intensity will drop to zero if you simply press the mA+ button
and no electrodes are connected to the channel on which you increase the
intensity. You should attach a pair of electrodes to the lead wire and the lead
should be connected to the channel on which you increase the stimulation
intensity (mA).
Our unit is designed to detect any poor or intermittent connection across the
electrodes and to cut off the stimulation output (mA) when it does so. This is a
safety precaution. It is designed to prevent the user from inadvertently turning
up the output stimulation current in the presence of a poor or intermittent
connection and then experiencing a large unexpected powerful surge in the
stimulation, if and when the connection is re-established.
Reasons for no connection if you use surface skin electrodes:
* Check if both electrodes are connected to the same dual conductor lead
wire, one electrode to the black connector (-) and another to red connector
* Check if both electrodes are making a sticky contact on your skin, some
electrode edges could not be stuck due to electrode wear & tear, but the
electrode should be sticking with at least 80% of it’s field. You may have
lots of grease after long term use, try new electrodes. You may have dry
gel on electrodes, try to make it more sticky by dropping a small amount of
water on the black (conductive) side of the electrode and leave for an hour
for the gel to absorb. Don’t use wet electrodes! Try some fresh electrodes
as electrodes loose conductivity proportionally to the use time due to grease
and gel getting drier.
* Finally, the most frequent reason: check if the dual conductor leadwire
cable is not broken, as it might be bent or pulled out too much which results
in no conductivity: try another cable. To check if the cable is good, cross
the red and black pin and increase mA on the unit. If the cable conducts the
electricity, the mA will go above 10mA and you would feel the stimulation
mild tickling in your fingers which holds the crossed pins. If you feel a mild
electrical current, this means the problem is with surface skin electrodes.