Pub# OM22-iScan EC-OM
1) Remove hub cap by turning clockwise with a pipe wrench or large adjustable
– these caps have left hand thread to prevent loosening during field
2) If plunger is frozen in cap, remove allen head set screw on top of plunger and
apply penetrating oil on both sides of plunger. Let this stand for a few minutes and
try to remove. If it will not back out with allen wrench, lock vise grips on the inside
portion and turn out through inside of hub.
3) Clean all hub cap surfaces, install new o-ring, coat plunger and set screw with di-
electric grease and install as outlined above.
4) Re-install hub cap and tighten firmly. You may have to re-set the plunger to
compensate for the reduced length on the newly ground spindle. Re-adjust as
outlined above.
If you are still unable to obtain favorable resistance readings, check for excessive corrosion at the
coulter blade mounting bolts, or at the terminal connection on the back of the main iScan body.
Rear closing wheel (electrode #4
Procedure for replacing spring plunger on closing wheel (electrode #4) is similar; the only difference is there
is a nut holding the spring plunger in place instead of a set screw. When plunger is installed correctly, the
outer end of the plunger is flush with the nut (Figure 5-2).
Figure 5-2
Nut holds
plunger in place;
plunger should
be flush with nut