Pub# OM22-iScan EC-OM
The SoilViewer mapping software will automatically detect the Bluetooth or Serial port the controller is
connected to, and begin communicating. If the V-Sense controller is not detected, the software will wait 45
seconds for the connection of the electronics and search again; this will repeat until the connection is
established. If the connection is not found, unplug the serial or USB cable, restart the PC, reboot the
controllers, and reconnect USB cable to the PC. If using Bluetooth, exit the software, and ensure the
controller is paired per procedure #11.
The conditions for mapping and storing EC and Optical data are as follows:
The unit must be traveling a speed greater than 1 mph
There must be a GPS signal received
The OM/EC Comm Light must be green, indicating the PC and V-Sense controller are
communicating properly
The EC value must be greater than -1.
When all these conditions are met, the Saving Data light will be green and the EC and Optical points will be
Before mapping, perform the OM system checks to ensure proper sensor operation.
If mapping has stopped, files may be appended by selecting a previous file when prompted at the startup of
the software.
Do not append to a previous day’s file or if equipment or soil conditions have changed. Start a
new file on each field.
User selectable plot
colors, click on color
to change.
button for
lab sample
Use single map
view to show a
larger map, and
help identify
where to take
calibration soil
Various system warnings will
appear here see
for additional details
Figure 3
User can select
which sensor map
to view.