Locating NAS Drive on Your Desk
Place the NAS drive on a sturdy desk or table that is free from clutter that could block
airflow around the unit.
Bundled Software
The included CD-ROM contains copies of the User Guide, as well as three software
applications: 1) Finder.exe, 2) Nero backup software and 3) TorrentFlux.
This is a Windows application that can locate all Verbatim NAS drives on your LAN and
display the corresponding IP address of each drive. To run this application, copy the
Finder.exe file to your client Windows computer and double-click on the file to launch it.
Backup Software
Nero backup software is included on CD-ROM. To install this application on one of your
client Windows computers, open the Nero folder on the CD and then double click the
setupx file to start installation. The Nero Installation window will appear. Follow the setup
wizard to install the software. To backup files to your NAS drive using Nero, you must
first assign a drive letter to your destination folder, as described later under NAS Drive
Operation / Sharing files using Windows / Browse My Computer.
TorrentFlux is an implementation of the BitTorrent protocol. Installation of this optional
network service is described later in NAS Administration Reference / Advanced /
Maintenance / Install New Service.
Connecting To Your Network
Installing the NAS drive requires that you have an available Ethernet port on a router or
switch. Use the supplied CAT-6 Ethernet cable to connect your NAS drive to your LAN.