Guest Access Setting
When Guess Access is enabled, anyone on the LAN can access the “guest-share” folder,
even if they have not set up a user account. Here you can also optionally set a storage
quota (in megabytes), provided that the disk has not been formatted to FAT32, which does
not support the quota function.
Also, when Guest Access is enabled, you can access the guest-share folder via FTP by
logging into FTP anonymously. When Guess Access is disabled, anonymous FTP is not
Guest Access is enabled by default.
Share Management
Enter the main screen of Share Management by selecting Advanced / File and Print /
Share Management. Here you are presented entry fields for Share Name and Share Path.
If you want to create a new share, fill in these fields directly. The Share Name must be
lower-case and may be a maximum of 20 alphanumeric characters, without spaces. The
Share Name must begin with an alphabetic character.
A description of this share may optionally be entered in the field provided.
If you want to edit an existing share, select a share from the Existing Shares box, and the
Share Name, Path, and Description fields will fill in automatically.
After completing this form, press
to save the changes you have made for this share.
If you want to delete an existing share, first highlight that share name in the Existing
Shares box, and then press the
Delete Share
Once you have highlighted an existing share, or have created and saved a new share,
you will want to assign access privileges for that share. Access is defined separately for
SMB/CIFS access than it is for NFS access.
To assign SMB/CIFS access privileges for current share, press the
Windows, FTP Access