Enter this screen by selecting Advanced / Maintenance / Firmware Upgrade. Make a
note of your current version number, which is displayed at the top of this screen. Then
visit Verbatim’s Technical Support web site (refer to the Getting Help section later in
this manual) to check if a more recent version is available. If so, follow the download
instructions provided on the site.
Once the upgrade file is available on your computer, browse to it from the Firmware
Upgrade screen, and then press the
Start Upgrade
Save Configuration
After you have completely configured all of the NAS drive’s settings, you may want to
save the full configuration for future reference. To do this enter the Save Configuration
screen by selecting Advanced / Maintenance / Save Configuration, and then press
button. This action will save a configuration file (named “config.tar”) to your
specified location.
Restore Configuration
After saving a configuration file as described above, you can later retrieve that file to
restore all device settings in a single step. Enter this screen by selecting Advanced /
Maintenance / Restore Configuration, and then browse to the saved configuration file and
press the
Factory Reset
You can return all of the NAS drive’s settings to their factory default state by selecting
Advanced / Maintenance / Factory Reset, and pressing the
Factory Reset
button on this
As described earlier, an alternate way to reset the device to factory settings is to press
and hold in the Reset button for more than 5 seconds.
Install New Service
The software for most network services is included in the firmware of the NAS controller.