Operation and maintenance, Discfilter HSF2600 - 2,3 series with PFLC
6.7.2 Chemical cleaning of filter panels
Long-term clogging of the filter media can be caused by, among others, iron, calcium or organic
fouling. This clogging can normally be removed through chemical cleaning. Three proven pro-
ducts that do not affect the life of the filter media are dilute hydrochloric acid (HCl), dilute sodi-
um hypochlorite (NaClO) and dilute sodium hydroxide (NaOH).
The use of other types of cleaning agents can cause damage to equipment.
If HCl and NaClO mix, toxic chlorine gas forms. HCl and NaOH are highly corrosive. For
safety advice, see applicable local regulations.
For more detailed instructions, please contact your supplier.
Hydrotech Discfilter HSF2600 is equipped with a chemical ramp to enable cleaning of longterm
clogging of the filter panels.
The dosing equipment (option) must be connected to the chemical ramp connector, see Figure
6.21. The control system is prepared and programmed for connection of a dosage system. Once
electrical and mechanical installation has been completed, the control system is to be operated
as follows:
1. Turn the mode selector to “HAND”.
2. Select “Login” (if the user is not already logged in) and log in using your user name and
3. Select “Chemical” on the operator panel, see Figure 6.22.
Figure 6.21 A floor plate must be lifted to access the connection to the chemical ramp.