Velleman nv
Select the preferred screen layout:
shows 1 camera,
shows 4 cameras and
shows 9
cameras simultaneously in the camera display pane.
Set the preferred colour for the On Screen Display (OSD): disabled (no OSD), black, yellow, red,
white or blue. The OSD shows the name of the camera in the top right corner of the camera
When the ‘Add timestamp on record’ checkbox is checked, date and time is shown in the bottom
right corner of the camera display.
set the time via the
For Administrator
screen (see further).
Set the audio buffer. The speaker output will be delayed for the indicated number of seconds.
Press the zoom button
to open the camera display pane in full screen mode. A new browser
window is opened.
to see a single camera display full screen, left double click on the desired camera display.
This also works in the
For operator
screen. Double click again to return to normal display.
Press the snapshot button
to take a snapshot of the camera display. In multiple screen
layouts, select the desired camera display first by left clicking on it. A new window with the
picture is opened. Press the
button and select the desired location to save the picture.
Press the view button
to start viewing the camera images, press the stop button
to stop
At the bottom of the left pane, each of the 9 possible cameras has 3 icons. Unavailable cameras
are greyed out.
= audio – talk – record
Press on the icon to enable the cameras’ microphone
Press on the
icon to enable the cameras’ speaker/audio port; a PC microphone (not incl.) is
Press on the
icon to start recording the selected cameras’ images.
When an icon is pressed, it changes to the stop icon
. Press this icon to stop the underlying
The recorded file name is
e.g. Counter_20081211134442.avi
The path where the movies will be stored can be set by the administrator in the
screen (see further).
For Operator