6 Set up with the display and adjustment module
SOLITRAC 31 • Profibus PA
This menu item appears only if you have selected "
Two point ad-
" as adjustment mode (Setup - Adjustment mode).
In this menu item you can set the max. pulse rate (ct/s) at which the
sensor should switch over.
Empty the vessel until the SOLITRAC 31 is uncovered.
You thus get the max. pulse rate (ct/s) for the "uncovered" adjustment.
Enter the requested pulse rate manually or let the rate be determined
by SOLITRAC 31. Automatic determination of the pulse rate should
be given preference.
You can enter the adjustment point (ct/s) manually.
You can let the adjustment point be determined by SOLITRAC 31.
Since the adjustment is very comprehensive, the menu points of
Function Blocks 1 (FB1) were put together in a submenu.
In menu item"
" you determine which measured value the
output refers to.
In menu item "
Scaling unit
" you define the scaling variable and the
scaling unit for the pulse rate on the display, e.g. volume in percent.
Adjustment "uncovered"
(two-point adjustment)
Setup - AI FB1 - Channel
AI FB1 - scaling unit