Pre-Installation Component Setup and Functional Check
TLS RF Wireless System Site Layout
d. If the Red LED (refer to item 2 in Figure 12) is not flashing, confirm the TLS RF address is set to Master
(refer to Appendix B, Figure B-1on how to set the TLS RF Device ID). If it is, the TLS RF has failed.
e. If the Red LED is flashing and the Green LED is not flashing, the TLS RF is not receiving a response from
the Receiver.
f. Confirm the Receiver PWR LED is lit (refer to item 1 in Figure 21). If not check the power wiring.
If the power wiring is correct, measure across the +15V and GND (refer to item 4 in Figure 21), it should
be +15Vdc. If it is not, measure the voltage across the +15V and GND terminals in the TLS RF, it should
read +15Vdc. If it does, replace the twisted pair power wires. If it does not, the Receiver is bad.
Check the RS-485 Green LED (refer to item 1 (PWR LED) in Figure 21), if it is flashing; it is receiving
Data from the TLS RF. If it is not flashing, check the RS-485 cabling between the TLS RF and the
Check the Red LED (XMIT LED), if it is flashing; check the cabling. If it is not flashing, the Receiver is at
fault; replace the Receiver.
This step is to verify to make sure Data from the Transmitter is being received by the TLS RF. Make sure the
power to the Repeater is off.
a. Connect the first Transmitter’s battery cable to a battery pack; noting the Red LED should be flashing
momentarily then followed by the Green LED (refer to item 2 and 3 in Figure 5). Since there is no Sensor
connected, the two LEDs should be flashing. This is an indication a Sensor communication error and is
acceptable at this step.
TIP - Normal flashing is when an LED turns On for over 1 second and turns Off for over 1 second. Error
flashing is when an LED turns On and Off every 1/2 second or less.
b. Go to the TLS RF, open its cover. One of the 8 Red received LEDs should be flashing (refer to item 5 in
Figure 12). Observe which LED is lit and compare it against the Transmitter ID; they should match. For
example, if the Transmitter ID is set to 1, the LED number 1 in the TLS RF should be flashing.
c. If the Transmitter ID and the LED in the TLS RF do not match, disconnect the Transmitter’s battery cable
from the battery pack. Move this DIP switches back and forth a few times to make sure they are set
properly. Reset this DIP Switch to the correct setting; reconnect the battery cable; confirm that the correct
LED is flashing.
d. If they still do not match, disconnect the Transmitter’s battery cable from the battery pack; change the
Transmitter ID to different setting and repeat Step 6.
e. If resetting the Transmitter to a different device ID and the LED position in the TLS RF matches; that DIP
Switch position is bad, the Transmitter is at fault.
f. If resetting the Transmitter to a different device ID and the LEDs in the TLS RF and the Transmitter are not
matched; remove the power from the Transmitter and put it aside.
g. Repeat Step 6 with the next Transmitter.
h. If both Transmitters have the same problems, it could be the Receiver or the TLS RF.
i. In the case where the LED in the TLS RF is not flashing, check the site ID in the Receiver and the
Transmitter to make sure they are correct. If the site IDs are correct, the Transmitter or the Receiver is at
fault. NOTE: Sometimes it is necessary to disconnect the battery cable from the battery pack and wait for 2
minutes and retry again to make sure the connection is established properly.
If all the Transmitters have been verified to be working properly, they are now ready to be installed.
Unplug the TLS RF, disconnect the temporary power cable and RS-485 cable to the Receiver and close the
cover of the TLS RF, but do not tighten the cover screws at this time.
Disconnect the temporary RS-485 and 2-conductor cables from the Receiver and replace its cover, but do
tighten at this time. Disconnect the temporary 2-conductor cable from the Repeater and replace its cover, but
do not tighten at this time.
ARB Approved IOM 19 - TLS RF Wireless 2 System (W2) Installation and Maintenance Guide - Executive Order VR-203 and VR-204