Operating States and Modes
System Operating States
The system has three operating states, Pre-Dispense, Dispense, and Finish.
Prior to pressing the START button, the system is in the Pre-Dispense state. The setting of system parameters,
pricing, and tax codes for a delivery are made in this state.
After pressing the START button (and selecting a product if setup for multiple products), the system enters the
Dispense state.
After pressing the FINISH button, the system is in the Finish State. The ticket is printed and the last delivery is
System Operating Modes
Four operating modes are used in the EMR
System. They are Volume, Currency, Rate, and Setup. These modes
can be navigated by use of the MODE button. In Setup, the default Mode for Pre-Dispense and Dispense states
can be set. The defaults may be changed through the User Setup menus
The display will default to the Volume mode when the display head is first initialized. In the Pre-Dispense or
Dispense state the display will initiate with volume displayed in the numeric fields. Prior to the START button being
pressed, the mode will remain in Volume unless the MODE button is depressed to change the mode. It may be
changed to Currency, Setup, and back to Volume. If the mode is changed to Currency or Setup prior to delivery,
the mode will change to the default dispense state selected when the START button is depressed to begin that
delivery. At any time, the operator may select the Currency Mode or Rate Mode by depressing the MODE Button.
When in the Volume Mode the indicator will point to the volume label on the front panel.
The display may be configured in the Setup Mode to default to the currency display. In the Pre-Dispense or
Dispense state the display will initiate with currency displayed in the numeric fields. Prior to the START button
being pressed, the mode will remain in Currency unless the MODE button is depressed to change the mode. It
may be changed to Volume, Setup, and back to Currency. If the mode is changed to Volume or Setup prior to
delivery, the mode will change back to the default Dispense state selected when the START button is depressed to
begin that delivery. At any time, the operator may select the Volume Mode or Rate Mode by depressing the MODE
Button. When in the Currency Mode the indicator will point to the currency label on the front panel.
The display may show flow rate by depressing the MODE button when the operator is able to deliver product. The
operator cannot access Rate Mode unless the START button initiating a delivery is pressed. The Rate Mode can
be selected as the default dispense state in the Setup Mode. During a delivery, the operator may display the flow
rate by using the MODE button to select Rate. When in the Rate Mode the indicator will point to the rate label on
the front panel.