Kalman Filter Calibration
When using the IMU Kalman Filter, it is important to perform the full calibration procedure before meaningful testing
commences. The calibration procedure is a series of specific manoeuvres that should be performed to help the Kalman
filter characterise the outputs from the IMU.
If the calibration procedure is not performed, the Kalman filter will still function, but may not produce the high level of
accuracy until dynamic manouevres in the X and Y plane have been performed (i.e. left and right hand turns, braking
and accelerating). This should occur after a few minutes driving.
Recommended procedure
1. Park the vehicle in an open area, where the GPS antenna has clear view of the sky. Remain static and wait for the
IMU to complete the 30 second stationary initialization. As this happens the VB3i front panel IMU LED will change
from flashing orange to flashing green upon completion. If the vehicle moves before initialisation finishes, the 30
second process will restart once stationary again.
2. When the IMU LED is flashing green, drive forward to complete initialization of the IMU. Continue to an open area
to perform calibration procedure.
3. Drive in a ‘figure of eight’ at least twice. These can be as little as 5 m in radius (almost full-lock in some vehicles),
but 10 m is better. The vehicle should be travelling above 15 km/h during this procedure in order to generate
sufficient forces for the calibration process.