06 - VB3i Dual Antenna Setup
VBOX Manager has been developed to control the operating functions of a VB3iD/VB3iDR. This section describes how
to setup your vehicle with two antennas using the '
Dual Antenna
' section within the '
' menu.
Within the '
Dual Antenna
' menu, select '
Dual Antenna Mode
', scroll to '
' and select in order to see the full dual
antenna system menu.
Antenna Separation
The most important factor for dual antenna testing is the correct configuration of the separation distance between the
two antenna centre points. This allows the VB3iD/ VB3iDR to acquire and maintain dual antenna lock. The physical
separation distance between the two antennas should be measured as accurately as possible, and entered in to the
Separation option of the Dual Antenna menu.
To provide consistent reference, the two antennas should be aligned with the gold antenna connectors pointing in the
same direction. This then allows a connector-to-connector physical reference measurement to be made.
Where possible, antennas should be placed on a level plane. The measured distance between the antennas should be