Montagehandleiding Enpres
Van der Ende Groep · Aartsdijkweg 23, 2676 LE Maasdijk, the Netherlands
+31 174 515 050 · [email protected] ·
Page 9 of 30
2. Description
In this chapter, the mechanics involved in the Enpres are explained, the reader is provided with all the
necessary information for the installation and usage of the Enpres.
2.1 Functioning of the Enpres
The pump of the Enpres works much alike a petrol engine, a set of pistons moves from side to side in
a cylinder pumping fluid media to the press line. Via a crankshaft the pistons are powered which push
and suck the media trough various one way valves.
A piston pump provides a pulsating flow of media, this pulsation is reduced by the use of multiple
pistons, but will always be present in a slight form.
2.2 General mechanics
On the outgoing axis of the engine a pulley with two or more grooves is attached. On the outgoing
axis of the pump there is a pulley with just as much grooves, two or more V-belts connect these two
pulleys and transmit the rotation of the electromotor to the pump.
Because the pump axis rotates, two or three pistons move from side to side in the cylinders, by this a
fluid media is being pumped trough the system. The engine and pump rotate at a constant rpm, the
volume of media which is pumped is proportional to this rpm.
On the pressure regulator a ball valve (C) is placed with which the press line can be opened or closed.
The pressure regulator distributes the water from the pump to the press line and the overflow
connection, by doing this, the pressure to the press line can be altered. The press line pressure, so
the pressure which is ‘fed’ into the system can be set and controlled by the regulator. When no water
is being taken from the press line (so when the press line is closed), all of the water is leaving the
regulator trough the overflow connection.
When more water is taken from the Enpres than the pump can deliver, there will be no more water
coming out of the overflow connection and the pressure in the press line will drop below the set value.
In order to prevent this and ensure a correct functioning of the pressure regulator, there should
always be a little water coming out of the overflow connection.
2.3 Transportation and storing
Transport and storing of the Enpres has not been done in a special packing. The Enpres can be put
down stably, but cannot be stacked without special precautions. The Enpres must be protected from
water and dirt and is IP54.