VAMP 257
Feeder and motor manager
Technical description
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Auto-reclose function (79)
The auto-reclose (AR) matrix in the following Figure 2.3.16-1
describes the start and trip signals forwarded to the auto-
reclose function.
Figure 2.3.16-1. Auto-reclose matrix
The AR matrix above defines which signals (the start and trip
signals from protection stages or digital input) are forwarded to
the auto-reclose function. In the AR function, the AR signals
can be configured to initiate the reclose sequence. Each shot
from 1 to 5 has its own enabled/disabled flag. If more than one
AR signal activates at the same time, AR1 has highest priority
and AR4 the lowest. Each AR signal has an independent start
delay for the shot 1. If a higher priority AR signal activates
during the start delay, the start delay setting will be changed
to that of the highest priority AR signal.
After the start delay the circuit-breaker (CB) will be opened if
it is closed. When the CB opens, a dead time timer is started.
Each shot from 1 to 5 has its own dead time setting.
After the dead time the CB will be closed and a discrimination
time timer is started. Each shot from 1 to 5 has its own
discrimination time setting. If a critical signal is activated
during the discrimination time, the AR function makes a final
trip. The CB will then open and the AR sequence is locked.
Closing the CB manually clears the “locked” state.
After the discrimination time has elapsed, the reclaim time
timer starts. If any AR signal is activated during the reclaim
time or the discrimination time, the AR function moves to the
next shot. The reclaim time setting is common for every shot.
If the reclaim time runs out, the auto-reclose sequence is
successfully executed and the AR function moves to ready -
state and waits for a new AR request in shot 1.