Reinstall Ceramic Bricks and Logs
1. Reinstall ceramic bricks. Refer to fi replace installation
2. Reinstall ceramic logs using the proper middle log
overlaying the burner—the recesses in the underside
of this log must line up with the cross-lighting ports on
the burner.
Underside of middle log
LPG middle log 4001534—Cross-lighting tunnels
NG middle log 4001370—Cross-lighting tunnel
Conversion Label
1. Install conversion label with specs over the
corresponding specs on the data label attached to
the fi replace at left hand side
2. Install the label (small) stating the conversion of the
appliance on the inside of the left access door in the
vicinity of the lighting instructions label..
Designed and Manufactured by / for
Miles Industries Ltd.
190 – 2255 Dollarton Highway, North Vancouver, B.C., CANADA V7H 3B1
Tel. 604-984-3496 Fax 604-984-0246
www.valorfi replaces.com
Because our policy is one of constant development and improvement, details may vary slightly from those given in this publication.