Warning : Use only genuine Valor parts, do not use substitute materials.
20.1 Cleaning
It will be necessary to clean the glass periodically. During startup, condensation, which is normal, forms on
the inside of the glass and causes dust, lint etc. to cling to the glass surface. Initially paint, while curing, may
deposit a slight
lm on the glass. We therefore recommend that, during the
rst few weeks of use, the glass
be cleaned two or three times with non-abrasive common household cleaners such as dish soap and warm
Ammonia based cleaners should NOT be used.
Subsequently the glass should be cleaned two or three
times a season depending on the circumstances.
Do not clean the glass while it is hot. Always close the window securely before lighting.
20.2 To Clean the Inside of the Glass
Warning : Do not clean the appliance when
Standard front: Lift up, unhook and remove completely.
Cast iron fronts: Lift up and unhook the upper casting and
lower casting.
If you have dif
culties removing either front please refer to
section 16.
Remove the bottom center spring-loaded bolt. Turn the 5
remaining spring-loaded bolts 90 degrees to release the
window from the
Carefully lift the window away and put aside in a safe location
to avoid damage.
Replacement: To reinstall, follow the instructions given in the
section Window Re
tting on page 21.
Always securely fasten the window before lighting.
20.3 To Clean the Ceramic Fuel Effects, Firebox
Walls & Burner
Dust can be brushed from the ceramic fuel effects and
walls after removing the front unit and completely removing the window. Dust can also be removed from the
burner using a soft brush after removing the ceramic fuel effects.
Remove the window assembly as described above.
Always completely remove the window before removing the ceramic fuel effects.
When cleaning, make sure that no particles are brushed into the slots in the burner.
Always replace the window securely before lighting.
Spring-loaded bolts
Removable bolt
Spring-loaded bolts
f i r e - p a r t s . c o m