– Before using pearly
you should discontinue taking the pill: to be fully effective, the software
must exactly determine the time of ovulation. The pill, however, hinders ovulation.
– Remove your hormone spiral before you begin. This is also recommended in case you
use a copper spiral.
– You may start measuring your temperature at any time during your cycle.
– Measure your temperature immediately after waking up before getting out of bed, thus
before being active in any way (wake-temperature = basal body temperature).
– If you have recorded your menstruation data in the past, then please input them into the
device before taking the first measurement.
– Set and activate the alarm before you start using the application.
– In case of a measurement-free day, reactivate the alarm for the following day.
The software uses your base data
right from the start. The more
regularly you measure your tempe-
rature, the sooner pearly
will be fa-
miliar with your specific cycle. With
increasing «knowledge», the red
(=fertile) days will become fewer
and the more green (=infertile) days
will be available.
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