– Dimensions:
length 9.7 cm, width 6.3 cm,
height 2.4 cm
– Weight:
70 grams
– Housing:
reinforced ABS plastic
– Measurement range:
from 34.5 to 41.0°C
– Precision of measurement:
device 0.06°C;
sensor 0.08°C
– Storage and transport conditions:
at -10 to
+60° C, max. air pressure 1500 hPa rel. 25
to 90%.
– Conditions of use:
+ 5°C to + 40°C at a humi-
dity of 15% to 93%. - Reliability checked for a
max. altitude of 2000 m. According to expe-
rience, it is possible to use the application at
altitudes higher than 2000 m asl.
– Air pressure:
750 hPa up to a maximum of
1500 hPa.
1 micro AAA 1.5 V battery of good quality (leaka-
ge protected) or 1.2V nickel metal hydride cell
with a low rated self-discharge. Please adhere to
the recommended disposal method!
The battery status will be displayed when
switching on the device: if the battery symbol
is blinking, you should replace the battery as
quickly as possible! Tip: Make sure you have the
new battery ready before you remove the old
one to avoid having to re-set the time and date.
Loss of data
In case of an empty battery, no data will be lost.
You may however wish to check the «M» inputs
for the last three days.
Public collection sites for electrical devices.
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