3.5 Air supply
Detailed recommendations for air sup-
ply are given in BS 5440: Part 2.
It is not necessary to have an air vent
in the room or internal space in which
the boiler is installed.
3.5.1 Cupboard or compart-
ment air supply
ECOmax Room Sealed Condensing
Combination Boilers are very high
efficiency appliances. As a conse-
quence the heat loss from the
appliance casing during operation
is very low. For cupboard and
compartment installations it is there-
fore not necessary to provide any high
or low level permanent air vents for
cooling purposes.
3.6 Electricity supply
A 230 volts~ 50Hz single phase elec-
tricity supply fused to 3 amps must be
provided in accordance with the latest
edition of the I.E.E. Wiring Regulati-
ons and any other local regulations
that may apply.
The method of connection to the mains
electricity supply must provide a
means of completely isolating the boi-
ler and its ancillary controls. Isolation
is preferably by the use of a fused
three-pin plug and unswitched shut-
tered socket outlet, both complying
with the requirements of BS 1363.
Alternatively, a 3 Amp fused double-
pole switch with a 3mm contact sepa-
ration on both poles may be used.
3.7 Guide to system
3.7.1 Water circulation system
Detailed recommendations for the
water circulation system are given in
BS 6798 and BS 5449: Part 1 (for
small bore and micro bore central
heating systems).