Accessing the Video Camera's Web Interface
Assigning Hostnames or IP Addresses to the Cameras
Setting the Video Camera's Standby Behavior
Setting up the IR and Video Camera Lanyard Shots
Viewing the Stream from the IR Camera
Storing the IR Camera's Lanyard Shot
Storing the Video Camera's Lanyard Shot
Setting the IR Camera's Home Position
Setting the Lanyard Searching Behaviors
Setting the Presenter Area and Search Area
Setting the Tracking Speed: Speed Scaler
Setting IR Camera Responsiveness: Tracking Sensitivity
Adjusting the Video Camera Window Width
Setting the Room Label Information
Specifying Time Zone and NTP Server
Pan-Tilt Reset, Reboot, and Factory Reset
Downloading and Installing Firmware Updates
Presenting with the RoboTRAK System
Switching Between Tracking and Camera Presets
Tips for Handling and Storing the Lanyard
About Controlling the Video Camera via Telnet
Integrator's Complete Guide to the RoboTRAK Presenter Tracking System