Forney Corporation
UNIFLAME User’s Manual
Publication 372000-48 Rev H STATUS POINTS DEFINED
Flame Quality
The Flame Quality number can range from 0 to 100. The number represents the detector’s 4-20 mA
analog flame Signal Strength output in percent. The Flame Quality is the scale by which the internal
flame relay’s ON and OFF Thresholds are configured.
The Flame Quality number is determined by the input of the IR or UV sensor. In the MultiSpectral model,
the Flame Quality can also be configured to be the sum of the UV and IR sensors.
Flame ON/OFF
This item refers to the energized or de-energized status of the flame relay. “Flame ON” is displayed when
the Flame Quality rises to or above the relay “ON Threshold” configured under the EDIT mode. When
the Flame Quality drops to or below the relay “OFF Threshold”, “Flame OFF” will be displayed.
The detector’s current internal temperature is expressed in either Fahrenheit or Centigrade depending on
how the scale was configured in the EDIT mode.
File Selected
The current running file is displayed. Choices are A, B, C, or D.
Signal Strength
The Signal Strength number represents the intensity of the “Bandpass”, as sensed by the IR and/or UV
sensor(s). The number is a function of the individual sensor’s “Gain” and “Bandpass” settings.
Comm Address
This number refers to the remote communications address of the flame detector. The address can range
from 0 to 127, as configured in the EDIT mode. No two detectors in a communication loop should have
the same address.
Software revision
This value identifies the internal software revision used.
Maximum Temperature
This value indicates the highest detector temperature recorded.
A four-digit password is required to enter the EDIT and AUTOTUNE modes. If a password is not
entered, pressing the UP key will advance directly to the “Flame Quality” status point.
The entry of a valid password will cause the EDIT mode to appear the next time the UP key is pressed
and the AUTOTUNE mode to appear the second time the UP key is pressed.
The factory-installed password is 0205.
The following is a programming example using the factory password (example will not work if factory
password was previously changed):