to avoid the damage on the tube, you should
keep the nozzle of the tire 10cm from the right
side of the demount tool when demounting.
If the demount of the tire is jammed, please
stop the machine immediately and then lift up
the pedal to let the turntable rotate counter-
clockwise to remove the resistance
When handling the tube tire, Take out the
tube and then move the lower lip upwards to
the upper edge of the rim and then repeat the
above steps to detach the other lip .
In the process of demounting tire, you should
keep your hands and the other parts of your
body from the movable parts. Necklace, brace-
let and the loose clothing can injury personnel.
Before mount tire, check if the tire and rim are
of the same dimension.
Clean the dirt and rust on the rim and lock it on
the chuck. Lock the rim on the turntable.
Spread the lubrication liquid or soap liquid
around the lip. Tilt the tire against the rim and
keep the front end upwards.
Press down the hexangular
shaft to move the demount
arm to contact with the rim
and lock. The left lip above
the tail of the demount tool
and the right lip will be
positioned under the front
end of the demount tool (Fig.18).
Clockwise rotate the turntable to guide the
bottom lip into the tire detaching slot.
If there is tube, place it
in the tire and plug the
core. And assemble the
lip according to the above
mentioned step (Fig.19).
In the process of clamping the rim, do not
reach your hands in between the rim and the
claw to avoid the damage to the personnel.
When inflating the tire, please be carefully and
series obey the operation process. Check the
air route to see if the air connection is OK. This
machine is equipped with an inflation gauge
for monitoring the inflation of the tire and the
inflation pressure.
1. Loose the tire from the turntable.
2. Connect the inflation hose with the tire air
3. In the process of inflation, you should re-
peat switching the inflation gun to confirm
the pressure indicated on the pressure gauge
not exceed the scope specified by the manu-
facturer. The pressure decrease valve equipped
in the machine make the pressure not to ex-
ceed 3,5bar. And the customer can get differ-
ent inflation pressure by adjust the pressure
decrease valve according to the requirement.
4. If the inflation pressures too high, you can
press down the deflation press button on the
inflation device to reach the required air pres-
(only for the machines with GT)
If the tubeless tire fit to the tire not tight, you
can apply the rapid inflation first and then
common inflation:
1. Clamp the wheel and connect the inflation
2. Step down the inflation pedal to the bottom
position (second gear) and quickly release the
pedal when the tire is full to the position of
the first gear.
3. Repeat stepping the pedal for many times to
confirm the pressure indicated on the pressure
gauge not exceeds the pressure specified
by the manufacturer.
NOTE: In this process, you should ensure the
wheel has been tightly clamped. Or you will be
in the dangerous of lose your life.
When inflating, please obey the following in-
WARNING: Carefully check if the tire and
the rim are of the same dimension and check
the wear condition of the tire to confirm the
tire not damaged before inflation.
WARNING: When the air pressure needed
for inflation relatively high, you can take off
the tire and to inflate under the protective
WARNING: When inflating the tire, please
be carefully. Keep your hands and body away
from the tire.
DLL21-DLL24 manual.indd 18
10/07/15 15:14