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L o g i c 1 6 U s e r M a n u a l
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Multi-Channel LabView Implementation of logic functions
This description is based on the LabView VI logic-ver.vi (current ver is 217) and sub-VI generate logic
pattern2.vi. Below is the standard front panel.
Thresholds allows the voltage threshold to be set for each channel. Two standard voltages are NIM and
Delays allows the delay for each channel in nanoseconds to be set, in order to align coincident counts
between channels. The delays can only be set to multiples of the Coincidence Logic Unit’s resolution.
Counts displays the number of events in the last Measurement Time corresponding to a given logic
Logic Pattern
Logic Pattern is the pattern of coincidences to report in counts. Channel 1 is the leftmost button and
channel 6 is the rightmost (expand the control to see more channels). Green means an event on the
channel must be present, red means an event on the channel must not be present, and black means to
ignore the channel. For example, the first three patterns in the above screenshot are for single counts on
channel 1, single counts on channel 2, and coincident counts between channels 1 and 2, respectively.
Always use the STOP button, rather than LabView’s Abort Execution so that the connection to the
Coincidence Logic Unit is closed correctly.