H. Programming and Central Station Reporting
The following parameters can be configured from the dealer website
1. Automated and On Demand Test Signals
(Default = Weekly)
The Automated Test signal interval can be changed from the dealer website
to monthly, weekly, or daily. In addition, an immediate test signal can be generated.
2. Activate/Deactivate Output Relay
Output relay #1 can be activated or deactivated from the dealer website.
This feature allows the installer to test the correct operation of this output
when it is connected to the alarm panel.
3. Normal State of Output Relay
(Default = #1 Energized Closed)
The normal state of the Output Relay can be changed from the dealer website.
4. Output Relay 1 Mapping
(Default = #1 Loss of Cellular Service)
There are 6 Trouble states that can be declared by the 4530EX, and each of
these states can be programmed from the dealer website to activate the
Output Relay.
The 6 Trouble states are:
• Low DC Input Voltage
• Cable Supervision Trouble (Panel to 4530EX)
• Loss of Cellular Service
• 4530EX Disabled (via website command)
• Failure to receive ACK from Central Station
• Watchdog Circuit Trouble
5. Send Trouble Condition to Central Station “Specific Event Reporting”
(Default = Low DC
Input Voltage)
Any or all of the Trouble Conditions detectable the 4530EX can be programmed to
report that condition (and its Restoral) to the monitoring Central Station.
G. Activating the 4530EX
The 4530EX is programmed OTA (Over-the-Air) by accessing the Uplink Dealer website
or by calling Uplink Customer Service at
New Dealer Enrollment:
For new dealers/customers, you must first establish an account with Uplink by
visiting the Uplink website
1. Enter the Login Name and Password. Wait about 20 seconds for the next web
page to completely load.
2. Under the
Tab, select
“Activate Unit”
from the menu choices.
3. Answer
to the question
“I have read and I accept the terms of the Activation
4. Enter the device serial number and select
5. If desired, enroll the unit in the Uplink Lifetime Guarantee program.
6. If you are offering Remote Services, enroll the unit in Uplink Remote.
7. You will be directed to the Edit Unit Settings page, where you will enter all
appropriate customer information.
8. From the
Central Station Notification
drop down menu, select the
appropriate format.
9. Enter the appropriate Central Station phone number and account number.
10. Configure the device to meet your install needs.
11. Select
12. Unit must be powered to continue. From the
drop down menu,
“Program Unit Over the Air”.
13. Set the appropriate Dialer Protocol, select Send.
14. From the
drop down menu, select
“Send Status Request Signal”.
15. Activation is complete once a successful test message is displayed. From the
“Signal History”
drop down menu, select
“Events Received”
(INSTALLATION continued next page)