Case 2:
After balancing a wheel the following resultswere obtained :
- displays „1” ( inside correction plane ) - 6
- displays „3”( inside correction plane ) - 7
Further operations comprise positioning the wheel according to the new location of unbalance
( for each correction plane) The balancing machine may emit the following announcements
After opening the shield rotating the wheel in either direction direction and watching display (
fig 18) locate the point of unbalance for that plane. For this wheel position tap a 25 g weights at
the top of the inside of wheel rim.
In a similar way, look for the point of unbalance for inside correction plane . In moment audio
signal stop the wheel and fix a 80 g weight at the top pointon the outside of wheel rim.
ALUTROL - 3005 balancing machine has automatic brake stopping wheel in unbalance location
for correction plane. Release brake foolowing after turn wheel about min. 3 stages from
unbalance location, as well as after pushing buttons
After fixiing weights of specific weight and in soecific location make a recheck.Theoretically,
on displays „1”and „3' two zeros should be displayed meaning that resiude unbalance does
not exceed 5g according to the assumed cut - off threshold. In practice it does not have to be
so. Why?
- balancing weights irrespective of type are made to some weightc tolerance.
- the balancing machine measures the unbalance value to 2g and the unbalance location
to 3.
Thirdly -
a balancing weights is not a concetrated mss but has a certine lenght proportionate to its
mass. Therefore it is easy to make a positioning error when fixing the weight ( shifting the weight
in relation to the top point or wheel rim indicated by the balancing machine.
Case 1 :
A zero on both displays and the balancung machine announced [WHEEL BALANCED]. This
means that the wheel has been to 5g as we operated at the cut - threshold. Push - button Q
(item 5 fig. 1) and (?) 9 item 9 fig 1) and setting cut threshold at 2 g level we can say whether
we balanced the wheel with point of accuracy up to 2 g. It will happen when on both non -
balancement indicators the value „0” will appear if however the value 2 g for example appe-
ars on one indicator and 4 g - on the second one it means that will balanced the wheel with
the point of accuracy up to 4g. After pressing the button „Q” and setting the cut -off threshold
again on 5 g the value „0” will appear on the indicators.