8. What to do if Your Alarm Sounds!
Carbon Monoxide Alarm Procedure
WARNING! Ac0va0on of the alarm indicates the presence of Carbon Monoxide (CO) which can kill you.
Based on recommenda1ons from EN 50292, follow these steps if alarm sounds (4 loud audible pulses
followed by a pause for 5 seconds):
1. Keep calm and open all doors and windows. Turn off all fuel-burning appliances if possible.
Note: it is possible that outdoor condi1ons could influence domes1c CO alarms (bad traffic
pollu1on in cold weather, for example). In these circumstances, the level of indoor CO might
actually increase when doors and windows are opened.
2. If the alarm con1nues to sound, even a#er being reset (where appropriate), then evacuate the
premises, aler1ng other occupants to the risk. Leave doors and windows open. Do not re-enter
the premises.
3. Get medical help for anyone suffering the effects of CO poisoning, and advise that CO inhala1on
is suspected.
4. Call Gas Emergency Services: 0800 111 999, or your local Gas Safe Registered Engineer:
Never restart the source of a CO problem un1l it has been corrected. Never ignore the sound of the
alarm! Pressing the test/reset bu2on will silence the alarm. If the CO condi1on that caused the alert
con1nues, the alarm will reac1vate. If the unit alarms again within six minutes, it is sensing high levels
of CO which can quickly become a dangerous situa1on.
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