9. Maintenance of Your Alarm
To keep your alarm in good working order:
Test every week
Vacuum regularly to remove dust
Keep away from solvents or detergents
Avoid spraying air-freshener, hair-spray near the alarm
Do not paint the alarm. If decora0ng or using adhesives close to the alarm, remove it
Keep away nappy buckets
The following substances can affect the sensor and cause false alarms:
NOTE: there could be other compounds occurring within a par0cular household which could
cause similar effects.
Methane, Propane, Iso-butane, Iso-propanol, Ethylene, Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl
acetate, Hydrogen Sulphide, Hydrogen, Sulphur Dioxide, alcohol based products,
paints, thinners, solvents, adhesives, hair-sprays, a#ershaves or perfumes and
some cleaning agents.
Never restart the source of a CO problem un1l it has been corrected. Never ignore the sound of the
alarm! Pressing the test/reset bu2on will silence the alarm. If the CO condi1on that caused the alert
con1nues, the alarm will reac1vate. If the unit alarms again within six minutes, it is sensing high levels
of CO which can quickly become a dangerous situa1on.
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