Magnet receiver
Mounting the magnet receiver.
The best place to mount the magnet receiver is
lengthwise on the bottom plate. Measure and drill the
hole from the backside. The most important issue is to
minimize the vibrations to the receiver. The most
common placement of the magnet receiver is at the
very front of the bottom plate, with the cable facing
The distance between the receiver and asphalt must
not exceed 50 mm.
Make sure that the cable is fixed properly.
Lead the cable up on the back side of the front cover and into the
Main Box. It is important that the cable is fixed properly. We
recommend that you use strips to fix the cable to the front cover.
The cable is mounted in the connector marked RECV 1 on the
Main Box. Tighten the connector hard with your fingers.
Infrared receiver
Mounting the Infrared receiver.
The best place to mount the infrared receiver is behind the
front cover. Measure and drill the hole from the side. The
most important issue is to mount the receiver horizontal.
Remember to place the infrared transmitter at the same
height as the infrared receiver at least 3 meters from the
UNIPRO – The original Laptimer